Research Projects
PhD Research Supervised
Network Security, Embedded Systems, Information Security, Computer Networks, Multi-Core And Cloud Computing.
I am currently interested in the following areas: 1. Networks on Chip (Fault Tolerant, 2 D and 3 D Architectures) 2. Dynamic and Static Analysis of Malware on Desktop and Mobile Platforms 3. Simulation and Emulation of QoS/QoE aware Streaming Protocols 4. Network Attack models and countermeasures
Title | Total Outlay (In Lacs) |
Year | Funding Agency | Role |
Secure Decentralized Deep Learning for Communications | 259.00 | 2024-2027 | TTDF, Department of Telecommunications (DoT), India | Co-PI |
Investigation of Data Leakage Prevetion Techniques for Android | 10.00 | 2016-2018 | DST | Co-PI |
Reflection Aware ICC Analysis Framework for Android Apps | 23.35 | 2016-2019 | CEFIPRA (Indo French Center for the Promotion of Advanced Research) | Co-PI |
Information Security Education and Awareness (ISEA - II) | 55.00 | 2016-2022 | Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology | Co-PI |
Path and Spectrum Aware Routing protocol for multi-channel and multi radio CRWMN | 53.85 | 2014-2016 | DST, INDIA (TSDP) | Co-PI |
Security Analysis Framework for Android Platform (SAFAL) | 55.50 | 2014-2017 | Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology MeitY (E- Security Division) | Co-PI |
Countermeasures for Protocol Compliant Attacks in Mobile Adhoc Networks” | 16.00 | 2012-2014 | DST | Co-PI |